How do you automate mailchimp to offer free download

Yes, you can host your freebie on Instagram although subscribers will be taken straight to the freebie rather than a thank-you page. To do this, click Lists in the top MailChimp menu, then click the down arrow to the right of your list and choose Signup Forms.

You are an awesome human being, thank you so much for this article. Easy to follow and everything has worked perfectly. I very much appreciate you spreading your knowledge to help others. Hi Matt, How to give each new subscriber a special link to file , but after they click and download the file, the link will expired.

You would need some custom coding on your website to do this. Excellent post. Did you ever get around creating a post on how to do multiple optin freebies for the same subscriber with MailChimp?

I want to offer many different freebies, however, once someone optins for one, they get a message saying they are already subscribed and cannot get the new freebie. Is there a way to offer multiple freebies even to those who are already on my list?

Or, is the only answer to create a separate list for every freebie optin? Thank you,. This was great! I am currently on the free package, is this why? Do I need to be a paying client of mailchimp to create this kind of automation? Thanks very much again!!! Hi, Thanks for the great article! However, I am confused that how to embed this freebie sign up form in my blog? Hi thanks for this!

Wondering if you can use this function if you only have the free Mailchimp account? Or do you need the standard or premium plan? This post was very helpful! I want to create an opt-in for a freebie, but how I only get new subscribers? Or is there a way to get first time subscribers without having older subscribers mixed in?

I hope that was clear. This was really helpful, but it was difficult to follow because Mailchimp has gone through a redesign. Is there any way you could update it so it actually follows what Mailchimp looks like now? This was so easy!! I had been looking for this specifically for days now! Your email address will not be published. All rights reserved. Your email list is absolutely critical to your online business. Ready to rock your opt-in? Follow these steps to upload your freebie: Log into MailChimp.

Visit the MailChimp site and click the Log In link at the top of the page. Enter your username and password, then click the Log In button. Your MailChimp Dashboard appears. Access the File Manager. The File Manager is where you can upload and manage all of your files on the MailChimp server. To reach it, first click the Templates option in the top menu on your Dashboard page, then click the File Manager button in the top-right corner of the page: To get to the MailChimp File Manager, first click the Templates menu option, the click the File Manager button.

MailChimp automatically uploads your file: Just drag your freebie file into the File Manager window to upload it to the MailChimp server. Follow these steps to link up your freebie: Access the signup forms for your list.

Click the Lists option in the top menu on your Dashboard page. Click the little down arrow to the right of the list that you want to work with and, in the menu that appears, click Signup forms : To access your MailChimp signup forms, choose Signup forms on the Lists page. Now your thank-you page contains a link to download your freebie. This opens the same Edit Your Content window that you used when adding the link to the thank-you page: Make sure Send a final welcome email is selected, then click the dotted box to edit the email content.

Choose Signup form in the menu that appears. Copy the signup form URL. Click the Yes, subscribe me to this list button in the email to finish the subscription process: When you receive the confirmation email, click the button to confirm your subscription. Set up your freebie in MailChimp today! And watch your signup rate soar! Comments Great article Matt! Loved the screen shots and simple instructions, well done. The most common method to quickly boost your email subscription list is by enticing your potential subscribers with a free download.

One major issue that serve as an hindrance to achieving this goal is the setting up process, most especially when you decide to read through the documentation on mailchimp site, you get confused easily and give up the goal of easily building your subscription list.

But not to worry, MailChimp makes it easy to give a download to your subscribers and only your confirmed subscribers! The good part of this is that it is free, costing you nothing. It is believed that you have a freebie ready and you must have created an account with MailChimp alread be fore proceeding with this tutorial. I will be guiding you on 2 different methods you can use to give each new email subscriber their freebie.

An Automation sends an email based on a subscription trigger i. I hope this helps. Thanks so much for the tip about changing the end 0 to 1 within a dropbox link for auto download.

Ok so I took your advice and I was able to place my reader magnet on my thank you page, but for some reason I am unable to create a pop up page for mailchimp. The only pop up subscribe page available is to subscribe to my blog, but I want my landing page with my reader magnet to pop up. Thank you so much, Gretchen! I am left with two questions though:. I could just send out a separate mailing to all current subscribers, as pointed out here, in which case they would sidestep Form 2 altogether.

But not all book launch guests will want the free audio book. Is there a way to have those who do want the audio book re-submit their info in Form 2, and then update their registration using MailChip groups or segments? Thank you so much for this helpuful tutorial. Lot of great information, am I still working on my mailchimp settings and embedded form.

Awesome article, Gretchen! Which method should I use to be sure of that? Hi, Thanks so much for this post, it was really helpful. Cheers, Megan. Thanks for sharing! Going to try this now. Im trying to add a free opt in printable on one of my blog posts. Im hoping it doesnt change my subscribe box on the side of my blog. Id like to offer opt ins on a few differnent posts. Any tips would be great! Hi Gretchen Thank you so much for this post!

I was looking desperately for something like this. Somehow it is not shown in MailChimp-Tutorials so thoroughly as you did it in such a great way!

Thanks a lot again! I would like to create individual opt in forms on blog posts in exchange for free printables. Can you help me? I have a free Mail chimp account and in my account there nothing like automation or anything that would allow me add downloadable things. Hi Gretchen. Im still confused by one thing. What if, in the future, I want to send a different freebie, what do I have to do without losing the link to the current freebie im giving?

Or, you could have two automations, one for each freebie, and send them out based on additions to a list group instead of addition to the list itself. Hi, Gretchen, Thank you so much for the helpful info. This is where I went first to get started on this project. Or is it triggered by both? Depending on your settings, your MailChimp automation should be triggered by any new signup to the list—not just by signup on a specific form. I kept googling and came across your page. I finally have completed my opt-in and freebie..

Thanks for the step by step guide! I just completed my freebie and linked it to my MailChimp and it was a success! Thanks for your help Gretchen! I really appreciate it. For the record, I am an artist so I linked in a desktop wallpaper of my work [with a quote done up in Canva] and a smartphone wallpaper.

Next thing to figure out! Should I create separate lists for each download or use groups? Dear Gretchen Your blog was very helpful. I have been searching about how to get people to subscribe before they download pdfs from my own site.

I have assumed people will not want to pay for my journals so I have been offering the whole thing, but would like to know who is downloading what. I have mail chimp and assumed it would be possible, but until now had found advice using 3 plugins email before download, connect 7 and WordPress download manager. I have been trying to figure this one out for days, so I would appreciate any help you can send my way. You are an angel. I have been trying for days to accomplish this feat and I found you!

Thank you for being here for us tech idiots!!! Definitely sharing this with other newbie bloggers. Hi Gretchen, This was a breath of fresh air after begging Thrive Content Builder landing page plugin to my WP site for days to help me figure this out.

Ready to pull my hair out! Hoping to resolve the glitches by tomorrow! That box was created using Thrive Leads, and points to my ConvertKit email sequence with my freebie. Hi Gretchen, thanks so much for this great info!! Hello Amie! Thank you so much for this simple straight forward information. I have been struggling with doing this for a long time Thank You. Dear Gretchen, Once again, thank you for this much helpful tutorial.

I would appreciate if you would explain how to embed the general sign up form into the web site, or do the same customization with the embedded sing up form.

For being so detailed and precise in your explanations. You are my new discovery! Thank you for putting it together. The fields appear on the page but the button does not. Look for this line in your embed code:. I am just about to launch my website so i do not yet have any subscribers. I wanted to use a free download to entice readers to subscribe from the start.

I have just signed up to mail chimp and have tried to follow your instructions above. However i have nothing in my lists? Tia, you can set up your Final Welcome Email before anyone subscribes so that it is in place when they do. Appreciate the clarity of your article. I do have one question: I am trying to write my blog posts in advance. I want to advertise the opt-in in a post that is scheduled to be published in a couple of weeks.

Heidi, once you set up your MailChimp Final Welcome Email, it will apply to everyone who signs up from that point on. Thank you so much for this! But a very clear and useful guide — I found it very simple, perfect for me who is new to Mailchimp and such! I love this step by step explanation! I see its from , does it still work like this? So thank you again! Great post! I was just wondering about the legal considerations concerning this approach. When you offer a free download after asking for a Name and email address , do you automatically have an explicit optin?

Are you able to save your ebook as a PDF file? That should help the file size. If even then it is very large, try searching for a PDF compression service online there are many free ones and see if that reduces the file size without lowering quality.

I was getting ready to pull my hair out until I found this. Thanks for making this simple and straightforward. Thanks so much! Thank you for this. I suggest a few more instructions, like how to set up the form on wordpress. That would be useful. This was super simple. Not only did I already have MailChimp but it took me 1 search to find this! Thanks Gretchen. These directions were super easy to follow. Thank you so much! I was at a loss and almost spent money on trying to get my freebie out there.

I decided to make a Monthly Calendar for my blog. I had no idea you could upload links to mail chimp without having to pay. Thanks again! I highly appreciate your tutorials and advices.

Best wishes for you Gretchen, and thank you. Hi Gretchen! I guess they could reenter their email address but I hate for them to have to go through those steps again. Is there any easier way? You can also use Automations with a paid MailChimp account. You can ask your subscribers to put in their email again.

When they put in the same email address in the subscription form, it will send them another email. Still a lot of steps. But doable. Thanks so much for this brilliant article, Grethcen. I am giving away an audioworkshop that is rather large 27 MB.

And that is too large for Mailchimp, which I use. Do you know how I can send a file of this size or where I can host it so it is not visible to the public? I am currently using soundcloud as a temporary solution. Thank you so much for your help. Thanks for this! Just what I needed, and even more clear than the Mailchimp instructions! If you subscribe to our newsletter you will see what we uploaded!

Followed your steps and it worked; thank you for sharing the knowledge! Thank you so much for explaining this in easy to understand terms! I was having such a hard time trying to figure this out on my own. Super helpful post thank you again! This was SO very helpful.

Excelent article. Do you know how to solve it? Therein lies the problem. That is where ConvertKit comes in really, really handy. Or else a paid MailChimp account so you can use Automations.

Hi, Thanks so much for this article. BUT, automating an email series in the free version is not possible, unless you employ a workaround using tags. Watch the video to see how! This goes into much more detail on how to utilize the free version of MailChimp and how to use tags to automate multiple emails. I only recommend products and services that I have personally used. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.


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