Gear 360 action director download pc

Gear sends out the following request to samsung when you enter a serial - The text "SERIAL" is a place holder for my or your actual serial. This request is sent to www. If you try to visit it you will find that the domain does exist but your browser dows not display anything. Looking at the whois information that was provided when the domain was bought, It was registered by "Samsung Electronics CO.

The domain registration was last updated on TZ. That domain is due to expire on TZ. This means the domain was bought in November and Samsung actively maintained their ownership of the domain again in October So, Why isn't it working??? Well the request that is generated by the gear does not recieve any kind of response where as a request sent to the same resource samsungimaging. Unfortunately the response I recieve back from the samsung key server lets me know that the application that they SHOULD be running to give people their keys, Does not exist.

As shown in the screen shots below which shows the failed request made by the app at the top and the successful one made by a web browser to the same resource.

Failed request by app and successful request from browser showing non existance of validation app on samsungs server. This is due to there being no DNS record on samsungs authoritative nameserver for the host that the app was told to look for.

The app tries to request from www. The request made by the app can be seen to generate a response when the host is altered to reflect this. Now if this were the only problem I give everyone a fix for this, however, There have been more failings on samsungs side.

As I mentioned before the resource "samsungimaging. It was responsible for verifying users serial numbers. In summary there have been two failings here. One by CyberLink in having the app call a nonexistant domain and not testing the user verification functionality, And secondly by Samsung for removing the capability of that server to verify users. Samsung have a responsability to their consumers to provide a means to allow their product to function without a samsung phone.

No where on the packaging is there a stipulation that a samsung galaxy is required in order to use the camera. I would ask that samsung provide a means for customers to be able to use the CyberLink Action Director software as soon as possible to prevent possible reputaional damage that may arise from the disclosure of this information.

I expect a reply within 2 days, Thankyou. Hola tengo el mismo problema, genera error en el cosido de las imagenes, dice que no tengo navegador. Tengo Gear En el sitio de Samsung dice descargar Gear Action Director.

I am also able to connect to my iphone 6s, however, the software doesn't recognize it Samsung Gear App software. So does anyone have a solution? I cant get the freaking thing to work. My app on the phone is horrible too. Every time I click on the gallery it force closes. Just so anyone from samsung needs to know i have a samsung phone S20 and I have a PC using windows for the app. Head to our cookie statement to learn more about cookies and manage cookies on this website.

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